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  Madly divining artefacts, from the realm of dreams and imagination, Jaliad finds himself often lost in a world of contemplation and creative flow. Distilling ideas into simple and intricate artefacts.

  Sticking his hand in a grab bag of mixed mediums, Jaliad's artworks come in many forms. Including macabre drawings, figurative and ornamental sculptures, spooky masks and other wearables.
  Jaliad has also been exploring the world of the written word.

  An artificer constantly weaving fantastical tales through his artefacts. Jaliad attributes all things fantasy as influences. From story-thick film and television, role-playing games, and books. Music from the soul, and all manner of art and theatrical performance. 

  Stripping back to the core of his creations are often ideas that relate to raw consciousness, identity and our place in the cosmos.
  For a time now, Jaliad has been delving into the magical, psychedelic and spiritual aspects of life. Exploring ideas inherent in alchemy, psychology and eastern mysticism.
  An adventurer of chasms deep and shadows dark, Ne're afraid to dissolve that which has been established in the wake of the previously unknown. Jaliad is hell bent on designing an alternative lifestyle that suits his creative and dreamy personality.

  Jaliad the Hallowed, ever curating creator.
Just another node, at play and in splendour.
  Many’s the mode of our shared stage.
Life is art; an ephemeral cage.

  Some say, Artificer. Tinkerling, to be sure.
Friendly neighbourhood gargoyle, watching over our shore.
  Roaming deep, abyssal chasms of shamanic perspective.
Dwells beyond conventions–skirts: safe-haven collective.

Majestic, Moon|Saber|Monster
  Cosmic, Gloomy|Phantom|Grey
Spectrolight, Dreamy|Shadow|Dragon
  Macabre, Scare|Corvine|Fae

Jaliad Lexicon of a Dreamer's Mindscape

  Creating is often a practice of finding balance between the intuitive and emotional and the methodical scalple of deliberate intention. Becoming in tune with the natural has led to fluid forms that continually reflect ever more accurately the world of Jaliad's felt experience.

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