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Indecisive Face: An Exquisite Corpse Exhibition
The Quiet Brick Carefully Jumped Our Nervous Buddha

  I fell into a story that this piece was telling me rather than coming up with one myself. The story is a commentary on the popular notion of science and technology being at loggerheads with spirituality and religion. Which often isn't the case but it is a more widely publicised encounter when they do clash.
  To me it tells the tale of a world focused on the advancement in technology, finding answers in the world around them, while the practice of religion and seeking answers from within one's self is fading, becoming less important or even obselete. Actively seeking enlightenment, rather than praying for it.
  The act of asking a question leads to a quest for knowledge. This journey being the best part, not the answer. Technology, the brick, is merely a byproduct of this exploration.

Quandary Constant (Re: Jim Jones - Eight Distinctive Springs Cannot Pick My Brave Noun)

  I recieved the rule: Listen and respond as a constantinstinct, defiant of hesitation.
I had the image in my head of eight child-like, life sized figures, running around and playing throughout the exhibition space. They would be indistinguishable, save for each having individual masks with unique expressions. There would be a hint that they were searching for something, following trails of brightly coloured ribbon.
  Always concieving new ideas that I just ran with "defiant of hesitation". The resulting piece still portrays the notion of being lost in a journey and captures a sense of yearning, searching and playfulness that was developed in my original idea. Within this developed and more compact piece is enough of a narrative to immerse yourself in without becoming completely lost.

quandry constant setup artist art jaliad
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