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Of Town and Crone

'I’d like to spin you a story from the journalling of a recent dream I’ve had. I mined much meaning out of it myself and I hope you can do the same, although it’s perfectly fine if you just want to enjoy it simply as an interesting tale from the Dreamscape.'

I had traveled in time to a somewhat dark age. A kind of fantasy world though I believe it was more like our own history than that of true fairies, elves, dragons and magic.

I was conspiring with my companion to somehow gain favour with the city we had found ourselves in. We would make our case in a round table of sorts where part of the game was to each be presented with a metal tablet which would depict the fate you’d been ascribed. Our scheme came down to me forging a rare plate that we’d pretend to have received.

There was also a Jester who played an integral role, who would be present at the gathering but didn’t attend seated. Many saw the jester as a clown or buffoon but I saw through all that surface fancy. I ended up befriending this jester by treating him with the respect of any other and even gave thought to letting him in on our scheme. Though I do remember having to use slight of hand when pulling out of my bag the silver plate metal having an embossed representation of a jester when he prodded me wishing to see his likeness. Careful not to draw out the one I had made to replace it, which was red, and represented a fate entirely more favourable, the key to us winning favour with the council. This was to be kept in utmost secrecy as it epitomised a true act of deceit.

The jester was a fruitcake of a fellow. I feel like I was looking out for him as no one ever seems consider the jester’s livelihood and I believe he was happy to find a friend in me. Though one can never quite tell with their sort.

So we had become a party of three and ventured out of town. On our way we came upon a stairway leading down to somewhere entirely different. The free spirit in me decided it a good idea to descend via sliding down the balustrade where I came into conflict with a young girl somehow ascending in a similar manner.

Though I tried with all my might to avoid it. Yet happy to continue sliding as much as possible. We came to collision where she fell and slid, bumbling down the stairs all the way to the ground where she lay there still. She was dead.

We spent a while in the house of the woman who was with her and I believed to be the girl’s mother. She resembled an old crone but treated us with surprising benevolence. The woman was un-resentful, accepting of the fate that had befallen her daughter. Her new duty, to guide us on a less selfish path.

She had the presence of Mother Earth, Gaia. The nurturing parent of all things. She sat ceremoniously weaving her threads and I, with my companions, respectful, sat looking up to her with the attendance of student to teacher.

Ascending the stairs where my actions had led to tragedy, I now felt lighter in heart and step. Upon returning to the town to demonstrate what we had learned, no longer conceited with an intent to connive, there happened upon us another conflict.

We were not welcomed back with open arms. The townsfolk instead raised their swords and my companion was nearly killed in a brutal attack of three to her one.

Indeed she would have been, had I not intervened with my new wizardly powers. I can’t explain to you where these powers came from. I merely spoke the words of power with the truest resolution of purpose, and confidence in my abilities. Totally present in The Moment. And so my intentions manifested change.

I ran across the open field that preluded the town and up to my companion and called out Time Stop. The two men who had been about to strike a killing blow to her slowed their movements to comical effect while I lay into them. Grabbing one man’s face and thrusting it with a vehemence to the ground. I wasn’t holding anything back. The other mans face caved as I launched my fist into to with all my might.

There were large obstacles like pillars and doors of immense proportions falling around us, which I imagine were catapulted, and I cast Disintegrate and Dissolve. However I was not quick enough to protect myself from another chunk of projected masonry that was now toppling and threatened to squash me flat. Though doubtful in my capabilities to do so I used all my strength pushing against it to slow its descent and managing to direct it aside.

At this point I could see that the town was dealing with its own problems completely separate to us and needed its own saving. From windows in the high wall that separated the city within from the open planes I could see flames in bellowing bloom. From one orifice a man was screaming for aid while flailing, alight himself.

Once entering the town having survived our reception I used my new found power to dispel the fire, extinguishing it by voiding the air that fed some flames and saturating others with a torrent of water.

I did not seek to become powerful for my own benefit. But I gave my all so that no more harm would come to those around me. I wanted to help in any way that I could and so found within myself, and the universe, the energy to combat the suffering.



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